Alesha gets the green light for a job in traffic control
Alesha is on track to something great after four years of working toward re-entering the workforce and pursuing an in-demand…
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Photo: Bamara DLAP Participants with Bamara DLAP Coordinator, David Power (fourth from left)
Bamara has been funded by Transport for NSW to deliver the Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP) in two regional centres: Dubbo and Moree. The program focuses on youth under 25 but is open to all ages that experience disadvantage. As a majority Indigenous-owned business, Bamara is at the leading edge of understanding disadvantage for rural Indigenous and non Indigenous people and finding ways to address this.
DLAP is a program designed to remove barriers for aspiring drivers who experience disadvantage. Bamara is a registered provider of the DLAP program and delivers a range of aligned services and culturally-appropriate resources, including:
The goal is to assist participants to get and keep their driver licence and be safe and legal drivers. Getting a driver licence contributes to improved access to education, employment, health and wider community participation. DLAP is also the route by which people who have lost their licence can regain it.
“One of the greatest barriers to sustainable employment for youth in regional and remote locations is having access to a licence and a roadworthy car.
Bamara is committed to creating social impact through its programs and the DLAP program is a wonderful addition to our resources to create positive community impact and economic independence for individuals,” said Bamara Managing Director, Andrea Harms.
Dubbo based Bamara DLAP Coordinator, Dave Powe leads the delivery of this program for Bamara and is a former police officer and Field Driver Trainer. The first group of DLAP participants have recently commenced driver licensing learning and training with our team in Dubbo.
We encourage experienced drivers with a good driving record to engage in the opportunity to assist learner drivers through the program by contributing time as a Volunteer Driver Mentor.