Alesha gets the green light for a job in traffic control
Alesha is on track to something great after four years of working toward re-entering the workforce and pursuing an in-demand…
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Meet team Bamara as we shine our spotlight on Kaitlyn, our Call Centre Admin Officer based in Taree.
Kaitlyn plays a crucial role in assisting and connecting our customers to our team across Australia for further support across our programs and services.
I was born in Taree, NSW, and I have a 20-month-old daughter. I love to play basketball and go to the beach with my daughter. I work full time for Bamara as the Call Centre Admin Officer.
The phone starts ringing at 8:30 am and doesn’t stop all day. No two calls are the same, and that’s what makes my job so diverse and exciting.
I enjoy helping people and making a difference in people lives.
Bamara has provided me with online training as well as on the job training. I have learnt about Indigenous Culture in our community and other parts of Australia.
I worked in a café and other hospitality roles; I learned a lot about people in these positions and customer service.
There are no two days the same. I always have something to do and look forward to coming to work.
I have learnt that everyone has a story. Some of the skills I have learnt are being empathetic towards others and being solution-focused.
I think that achievement for us in Taree would be how we navigated our way through the flood situation in our Taree office. It was challenging, but everyone worked together and got on with the job with minimal interruption to the call centre operations.
I like being with my friends, and I enjoy playing basketball with a lovely bunch of ladies on a Tuesday night.
I would go back to Scotland to meet my great grandparents for the first time.
My mum has always told me that everything would work out how it is meant to, in the end, so do not stress over things out of your control.
My favourite thing about working for Bamara is the team I work with; everyone is always understanding and willing to help each other- I have formed many great friendships.