Alesha gets the green light for a job in traffic control
Alesha is on track to something great after four years of working toward re-entering the workforce and pursuing an in-demand…
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Aleisha grew up on the land at Coolongolook in NSW and has lived there all bar 18 months of her life.
When Aleisha left school, she immediately set out to chase her dream with her love for the land and farming. At 18 years of age, she took a job on a large sheep station as a jillaroo in South Australia. During this wonderful time, she dreamt of the ultimate master, she dreamt of becoming a helicopter pilot, she knew early in the piece that becoming a pilot was her goal in life.
Not long later Aleisha fell pregnant with her son Justin and decided to move home to Coolongolook three weeks before Justin was born. She said, “Justin arrived, and I was glad to be home and loved being a mum”.
Aleisha was referred to Bamara and said she was not quite sure what it was all about at first but knew that it was a program to help parents. She was happy to know this saying that she just wanted to do the best by little Justin.
“As soon as I’d had Justin I wanted to get a job that could carry us through so we never had to struggle in life, so this was good”.
When asked what her initial experience was like with Bamara Aleisha said, “The program was explained and I felt informed. My Case Manager Merv was great from the first appointment. He was all about me and helping us, I told him I had a dream and a goal to eventually become a helicopter pilot and work back on the farms”.
Merv recommended playgroup to address her first goal to meet some new people and socialise. Prior to Covid-19 Alieshaand Justin had been attending regularly and really enjoyed doing so. She said that Justin was really enjoying it and she looked forward to that restarting as it was great to get out of the house together.
Aleisha said that as a single mum the ongoing support from Merv and the program has been fantastic. “It helped me so much, I now have my RSA and completed a Barista course.
She laughed saying, “I really am a farmer girl but now I can make great coffee too!” Even though my long term goal is to be a pilot, with Merv’s guidance I have been able to get qualifications in hospitality so that I can look for casual work whilst studying.
With all this in mind, Merv found a course in agriculture. Certificate III in Agriculture had come up at TAFE where Aleisha enrolled and has been absolutely loving it as it’s all in line with her master plan of a job back on the land. She is due to complete this course in a matter of weeks and she said, “When this is complete, I will have a piece of paper that will bring me one more step towards my goal”.
Some of the absolute highlights of her experience with Bamara was the fact that through the courses she had completed she had made some terrific friends. She really feels that the momentum of having her Cert III in Agriculture and such great support will steer her to that ultimate dream of becoming a helicopter pilot and mustering sheep again but from the sky not on the ground.
Aleisha, we loved hearing your unique story and of your dream to fly a helicopter. It was a pleasure to talk with you and hear you speak so positively about your dreams and aspirations both as a parent and in upskilling to achieve your goals in life. With such a positive outlook and your determination, we know this will become a reality for you in the future.
Well done, we wish you all the best and will surely be following your progress.