How Jessica reconnected to rebuild self-confidence
NEWSParentsNext How Jessica reconnected to rebuild self-confidence
Getting back into work when you have a young child to care for is always hard, but it is even harder when you are new to a region, and don’t know many people. The help of a service with local knowledge can be invaluable.
Jessica grew up in Sydney where she always found it easier to look for work and find the resources she needed.
But after she relocated to the Mid North Coast, Jessica’s self-confidence took a hit. She didn’t know many people and didn’t know where to go for the help she needed. This slippery slope can lead to isolation and make it really hard to get back into the flow.
But all that changed when Jessica was referred to Bamara’s ParentsNext program in Laurieton in August 2022, and met her Mentor, Merv.
Merv’s friendly and supportive manner allowed Jessica to start to rebuild her self-confidence, and his local knowledge and understanding allowed him to refer Jessica to the services she needed, starting with Bamara’s Health and Wellness service.
“When life isn’t where you want it to be, confidence is usually the first thing that will be affected,” Merv acknowledged.
“Once we re-enforced what achievements she had already accomplished and obstacles she had overcome, Jessica was determined to gain work.”
They helped Jessica come to terms with some of the things that were holding her back and made her aware of other services like the Food Bank that provides access to fresh fruit and vegetables at no cost.
With Merv’s assistance, Jessica got her resume into shape and learnt about interviewing techniques. Bamara also provided financial support for Jessica to get a CTP Greenslip, and suitable work clothing.
With her newfound confidence, Jessica was able to secure work as an Online Personal Shopper and is now building the life she always wanted for herself and her daughter.
Jessica’s got her smile back, and she is so appreciative of everything that Merv and Bamara were able to help her with through Bamara’s ParentsNext program.
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